Wednesday, December 28, 2011

inner strength!

Inner Strength 

If you can start the day without caffeine or pep pills, 
If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, 
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, 
If you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it, 
If you can understand when loved ones are too busy to give you time,

If you can overlook when people take things out on you when, 
           through no fault of yours, something goes wrong, 
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, 
If you can face the world without lies and deceit, 
If you can conquer tension without medical help, 
If you can relax without liquor, 
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, 
If you can do all these things, 

Then you are probably the family dog. 

Love my bear naked!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Market Street Raspberry Almond Torte....FABULOUS!


Raspberry Almond Torte

This is one of my very favorite desserts! I got the recipe from the Market Street website! 
 It is SO GOOD! I definitely recommend trying this one out!

Sponge Layer
5 egg whites
2 tablespoons sugar
½ teaspoon cream of tartar
pinch of salt

Beat egg whites with cream of tartar and salt until thick. Continue beating

while slowly adding sugar and beat until stiff and shiny but not dry. Set aside.

5 egg yolks
2 tablespoons sugar
pinch of salt
2 teaspoons cornstarch
¼ cup melted cooled butter
½ cup finely chopped, lightly toasted almonds

Beat yolks, sugar and salt together until thick and creamy 

(at least 10 minutes).
Add cornstarch and mix until well combined. Fold in melted butter 
and chopped almonds. Fold this mixture into egg white mixture. 
Divide batter between two 9" cake pans that have been lined with 
parchment and sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. 
Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 20 minutes or until lightly browned.
Cool in the pan.
Pastry Cream
3 cups milk
1 cup sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
6 egg yolks
2 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons cornstarch
½ cup milk (additional)
4 tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons vanilla
½ teaspoon almond extract
4 egg whites
¼ cup sugar (additional)
1 pint container of fresh raspberries

Place 3 cups milk in a saucepan and sprinkle unflavored gelatin over top. 

Let set for 5 minutes for gelatin to soften. Add sugar and salt, place over 
medium high heat and stirring constantly, bring to a simmer. 
In a separate bowl, combine egg yolks, flour, cornstarch and ½ cup milk. 
Whisk until well combined. Whisk some of the hot milk mixture into the yolk 
mixture, and then return all to the saucepan. Whisking constantly, bring to a 
simmer and remove from heat. Add butter and extracts. 
Beat egg whites and ¼ cup sugar until will hold soft peaks. 
Fold hot mixture into egg whites until well combined and let cool.
To Assemble:
Place one of the sponge layers on a serving plate. 

Spread a ½ inch thick layer of pastry cream over top, 
to within ½ inch of edge of layer. Place a ring of raspberries 
around edge of pastry cream and sprinkle remaining raspberries equally
in the center. Add another layer of pastry cream over raspberries, 
spreading evenly. Place second layer, top-side up, over pastry cream and 
press gently. Sift powdered sugar over top, serve and enjoy!