Wednesday, May 06, 2009


So - I am trying to sell my house.  i have been in it for over 2 years and i love it, but i am sort of at a crossroad.  i dont want to stay here in midland.  i want to go back to school for either nursing or ultrasound or radiation tech.  something that i can do anywhere.  so in order to do that i need to dump come of my debt and concentrate on school.  this requires moving back home (well probably not requires, but it will make it a lot easier to pay for school).  i am not excited about that part, but it will be over in a couple years and then i can leave.  
i am crossing my fingers that my house will sell soon, so i can get on with my plan.  once i have dwelled on it for months and thought it out and planned it once i set it all into motion i get impatient to have it all done with.  i am not by nature a patient person.  even as a realtor it is nerve racking to have your house on the irrational response, but i cant help it.   

on top of that my moms mother is dying.  we were never very close.  but we went to see her nonetheless.  the bright side of the road trip was that my aunt flew in from spain and we got to play with her for a few days.  i think mom should go back and see her sister one more time before she leaves the country again.  i am planning on taking mom to see her once i sell my house.  (not the best way to save money, but it will be worth it to go with mom.)  

i am still in a funk.  i think it is because i am having to be patient.  it grates on every nerve to wait for something i want.  lol.  but i think it is a good plan....i just have to wait....and wait....and wait....  and i know it is a silly thing to be worried about, but since the house is on the market i have taken my dogs over to the parents  house, and i miss bear.  i want to take him back to the house, but i don't want to clean up the land-mines in the back yard for the buyers again hehehe...
oh well.  

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